Bitcoin Meister partnership announcement Note Blockchain

Bitcoin Meister works to make the purchase of crypto as easy as any goods. As a world we are moving into a land where digital currencies are replacing the need for traditional fiat.
Its with this idea in mind, that we decided to work with Note Blockchain, a social media platform showcasing the power of cryptocurrency in a platform that reminds us of Facebook, twitter and Instagram all rolled into one.
As of now We offer $NTBC as a purchasable asset on and as well as in our merchandise store, where we provide Note LLC a portion of the revenue for every sold merchandise product. So buy Note products now, and fund Note into the future!
In the future EU users will be able to click on a button within the NoteSocial App that leads them to the Bitcoin Meister page where they can buy $NTBC in a few minutes with other listed crypto and Fiat.
The partnership with Bitcoin Meister will open up an option for future OTC sales through the BTM website for future development and growth.
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With this in mind, Bitcoin Meister wishes to propose a logo competition to make the Note Logo, into something more exciting!

The current Note Logo
The note opening sequence is smooth, and the colour choice of the app makes it feel very sleek and unique. It’s important to choose the right colour to convey a message. I use two guides typically when I advise a company. The first one can be found here. The second, a more in dept analysis of colour and their meanings can be found here.
The NoteApp, shows great promise at being a connector for people of all walks of life, from blockchain addicts to no-coiners, and it must therefore convey the message, of a community built around simplicity and elegance.
To help push the adoption of Note further, Bitcoin Meister wants to sponsor a community contest that would create a New Note design, in order to create Note Branded products.
The rules of the contest are simple.
All contestant sends a PNG file to [email protected]
with their receiving address for crypto.
On the 2nd of September, all the submission to Alex will be posted on the NOTE app, and every tip going to each post, will go to the original creator.Â
The winner will win 1 million NBTC (or more if you tally tips given)
No matter the amount, if a post receives 1 mil ntbc or 10 from one user, it counts as one vote.
All tips will go to the users that created the content.
The winner will win a hat or shirt or mask with the new Note logo.Â
The contest is starting now and ends on September 2, 2020. On this date your ideas will be posted and you can vote.